Buddismo Soto Zen, Daihonzan Eiheiji
불교의 쏘토 젠, 대본산(大本山)의 영평사(永平寺 Eiheiji 에이헤이지).
Eiheiji is one of two main temples of the Soto sect of Zen Buddhism. Its founder was Eihei Dogen.
Dogen founded Eiheiji in 1246 in the woods of rural Japan, quite far from the distractions of Kamakura period urban life. He appointed a successor, but sometime after his death the abbacy of Eiheiji became hotly disputed, a schism now called the sandai soron. Until 1468, Eiheiji was not held by the current Keizan line of Soto, but by the line of Dogen's Chinese disciple Jakuen. After 1468, when the Keizan line took ownership of Eiheiji in addition to its major temple Sojiji and others, Jakuen's line and other alternate lines became less prominent.
The entire temple was destroyed by fire several times. Its oldest standing structure dates from 1749, and the manuscripts in its treasure house are reconstructions from that era.
Today, Eiheiji is the main training temple of Soto Zen. The standard training for a priest in Eiheiji is from three months to a two year period of practice. It is in communion with all Japanese Soto Zen temples, and some temples in America, including the San Francisco Zen Center.
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